Michael Barrows
Michael Barrows
Thanks for your comments! - I agree that the Query Log is bright. I have plans to soften that up a bit in future. - I'm glad that you like...
@maelcum - check out the newest version of my fork, I think you'll be pleased with the updates! Some notable mentions are: - Graphic grid lines are easier to see...
@maelcum, it's not nitpicking if I ask for it - constructive feedback at its finest! Comments on your finds below in the order you made them: - I believe this...
@XhmikosR - I'd be honored if I could contribute to the official PiHole code (especially in such a visible way)! It's been a while since I've looked at this project...
@maelcum , If you like this theme, check out my recent pull request (#11) for a more material design aesthetic. You could also check out [my fork](https://github.com/MBarrows20/pi-hole-material-dark) directly if you...