Lyla Atta
Lyla Atta
Hi, Thanks for trying out the package! Can you please provide the part of the code that generated the error? Thanks!
Hi Eunha, Thank you for trying out the package and for your question. Could you please provide a reproducible example for the issues you're having? For 2., a common issue...
Hi Eunha, From the error you included, it seems like your graph has edge weights that are non-positive. Without the specific data that you're working with, it's difficult for me...
Great! Out of curiosity, what was the source of the error? For veloviz embedding parameters, optimal parameter choices are data dependent but I generally find that the default parameters are...
I usually start with a k=0.1*N where N is the number of cells in your dataset and distance.weight=1 and explore variations on parameter values from there. There isn't really a...
Hi @galaxyeee , I was able to reproduce your initial error: `Error in layout_with_fr(g, dim = 2) : At core/layout/fruchterman_reingold.c:401 : Weights must be positive for Fruchterman-Reingold layout. Invalid value`...
Hi @parkjooyoung99, I'm not sure what the latest igraph version that works is but igraph 1.2.6 works for me. Alternatively, I have updated the package to work with the latest...