Lydia Makrygianni
Lydia Makrygianni
I am fitting an SED and although my fit looks good the parameters are oddly distributed (especially tage) and MCMC results look odd. I keep in general the initial parameters...
Hi, I am trying to run mosfit (I had to reinstall) so it's the latest version and I get this error ``` Basic model file: /Users/lydiamakrygianni/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mosfit/models/model.json Model file: /Users/lydiamakrygianni/miniconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mosfit/models/tde/tde.json Parameter...
Hi, I am trying to install mosfit with conda as pip install has previously reported issues with mpi4py but I get PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current...
Hi, When running mpirun -np 2 (or higher) mosfit {json_file} -m {model} it crashes. I have mentioned it to Matt in private communication but since the issue still exists I...