Will that actually **convert** it from WordML to DOC or just rename .xml to .doc? Thanks!
Unfortunately not - are you seeing the same behaviour?
I had a look at the source code but couldn't see anything glaringly obvious. There are also separate iOS issues #303 with autoRegistration=false. Unfortunately I don't think this flag is...
@15mgm15 - did you get anywhere with this? Thanks
Linked to #303 and #307 ?
So on further investigation, it appears that `OnTokenRefresh` event is called on Android after initially registering for notifications, but is NOT called on iOS after initially registering for notifications. Therefore...
Hi @rdelrosario - I've done some further investigation, and have found the issue. Using plugin 3.1.6 on iOS 13.4 does NOT call OnTokenRefresh if the plugin is initialised as: `FirebasePushNotificationManager.Initialize(options,...
> In our case we had to do this to fix the issue: > > > > ``` > > Messaging.SharedInstance.Delegate = CrossFirebasePushNotification.Current as IMessagingDelegate; > > FirebasePushNotificationManager.Initialize(options, false); >...
This is what you need to call after a logout ` CrossFirebasePushNotification.Current.UnregisterForPushNotifications();`
Agreed, mattmurton's recompile unfortunatly does not work with air 17, air 16. It's an adobe SDK thing (have it working on iOS8.3 and air 15) - since from air 16...