
Results 7 comments of 泠泫凝


> 防注册还是刷消息呢 主要还是想防注册

> 防注册还是刷消息呢 Emmm...还有就是防爆破登录

我觉得加个Google reCaptcha就行,让用户把Key和地址丢在data里面

> Google reCAPTCHA 国内是可以正常使用的吗? 换个域名就能在国内用

> hcaptcha真的没必要,慢死 +1 > 极验:https://www.geetest.com/Sensebot vaptcha:https://www.vaptcha.com/ 腾讯T-Sec:https://cloud.tencent.com/product/captcha reCAPTCHA:https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about/ hcaptcha:https://www.hcaptcha.com/ Geetest是收费的吧

@SmileEye @afeiszli I didn't have this problem when I use a non-mainland China server, probably because it couldn't connect to some APIs in the Mainland China and couldn't apply for...