Benjamin Vincent
Benjamin Vincent
How can I sponsor your project (for a small amount like 5 or 10$ per month) Because theses issue has been closed without any fix: - Consider adding a github...
When I am trying to test my application and I try to pass some value... **I can't not get expected value: Β« `chroma('FFBBCCDD').hex('rgba') -> #ffbbccde` Β»** or even with **Β«...
### Is this a bug report? Yes npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Browserslist 2 could fail on reading Browserslist >3.0 config used in other tools. npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Browserslist 2...
I got theses error while installing... ```shell [luxcium@corsair1 explainshell]$ pip install -r requirements.txt Collecting Flask==0.12 Downloading (82kB) |ββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββββ| 92kB 1.7MB/s Collecting MarkupSafe==1.0 Downloading Collecting nltk==2.0.5 Downloading (954kB)...
## Where to start if you are new to GRUNT? Can you help me start with using GRUNT (_or is it a legacy tool???_) Is the documentation up to date?...
# Docker Error I am unable to troubleshoot this issue can you let me know what information could be helpful to help me ??? ## docker: Error response from daemon:...
I am getting an error ***Run-time dependency openav_avtka found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)*** and a warning *** WARNING: Got an empty configuration_data() object and found no substitutions in the...
I have this error message: Failed to save '': File name file:///projects/monorepo-one/prompts/API/GPTs/typescript-assistant/ is not supported by Runme Infra Notebooks. Please make sure the file name matches following patterns: *.md, *.mdx,...
Hello I am not a super-advanced user and it was complicated to install the **xxdiff** tool (i.e. I failed to install the tool) first of all I do not have...
I do not want to have any dependencies in my project so I do not want to import NPM PACKAGES ... but I can't copy-paste your code because it lacks...