Lewis Dimmick

Results 10 issues of Lewis Dimmick

Hello, Fantastic lib! Is it possible to get the raw HTML from graby or apply extra searches while it's processed ( I'd assume it's just tapping in to `Graby\Extractor\ContentExtractor ->...

Hello, I'm trying to implement an artisan command to get data from Salesforce. The code works in browser with Forrest but when I run `php artisan MYCOMMAND` I get the...


Removed duplicate line 134, line occurs again on 176 before variable is used `$category_id = $request->get('category', 0) ? :0; //get the category`

Hello, love the library! The library works fine for me, with the exception of: using the example modal code (below) my overlay darkens but the `hidden` class remains on the...

You solved a huge headache I was having, thanks very much!

[Google search for: printers north shields](https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1792&bih=1009&sxsrf=ALeKk008k7Vzn4mXHqS1WQTk-0Uv11Mf8w%3A1582281038068&ei=TrFPXpfrA_HGxgPRmajgAg&q=printers+north+shields&oq=printers+&gs_l=psy-ab.3.1.35i39j0l4j0i67j0l3j0i67.4569.5457..6941...0.0..0.98.891.10......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i273j0i131j0i20i263.TMhSnvi6X4Q) Returns an element I can't find any documentation on, screen shot below, any ideas on where I could fid documentation on this / how...

Hello, I'm doing requests for pretty standard keywords `holiday homes cornwall` which does have adwords. Then parsing natural results fine, but if I parse ` foreach ($gRank->adwordsResults as $i =>...

Complete with fix for k warning.

With a fresh laravel 5.5 and php 7.1; if I run: ``` bash $ php artisan make:resource news Resource created successfully. ``` The only file produced is a App\Http\Resources\task.php and...

`php artisan serve` shows `Line 10 WARN: "The `text-hide()` mixin has been deprecated as of v4.1.0. It will be removed entirely in v5."` warning. Hope this helps!