> At the same time if user has installed "arbitrary" LLVM toolkit and made arrangements to use specifically that, it would be inappropriate to override the choice. Would you agree?...
I think this stuff would be nice to expose all of this, some of these things are really useful and most are rarely fully exposed.
> The Zynq requires that there is exactly one PS7 instance (used for communication between the programmable logic and the hard processor part of the device). If that is the...
I believe this might be similar to an issue that I have seen occur on desktop browsers (both Firefox and Chrome) in the past. Unfortunately I could not troubleshoot that...
OBS is moving to support this use case via WISH-based WebRTC output. This is essentially the same way that FTL works except you use a WebRTC SDP negotiation instead of...
It would be helpful in looking into an issue like this if there were more detailed (or more obviously accessible) statistics as to what is happening with the stream on...
I've noticed an issue like this as well. Specifically I had the stream completely stop working on a remote set of systems (both Windows 10 and Debian); the symptoms seems...
How are breaking changes intended to be handled?
I agree there needs to be a way to do this, it is still unclear of the *best* way to do this. While SSH can directly export environmental variables, this...
> > The SSH executor could generate a script on the fly to do this, with the appropriate shebang line and then directly execute that file. > > The `.profile`...