I don't know EvalML, but i know pytest. Did you guys add a `pip install --r requirements.txt` into workflows that need dependencies?
Open the app using `cmd` or powershell, you might get some output you wouldn't see otherwise. The log will then give a good hint on where exactly the code has...
I will try my best.
I will work on it if you tell me in what file i should look and maybe even what function. I won't test it, if anything isn't working afterwards you...
I cannot open a GUI since I work with containers. I could implement some tests.
I created a draft pr #37 which still is heavily work in progress. I will set it out of draft once everything is prove-able stable.
> There's a lot to do there. This is the most unspecific issue i did ever read. What is there to do? Rewriting the doc in the project or are...