@sdirix Sorry, I switched between branches and somehow lost my latest changes in the process. Should work now.
I tested the example above on my laptop (with a i5-7200U processor): Without the „4x slowdown“ everything works fine. With the slowdown typing at “medium” speed works, but “fast” typing...
@sdirix Yes, it is the same issue and will also get fixed by [this pull request](
The issue still occurs, but it actually occurs on `onMouseDown` and not `onHover`. I don't know if the onHover effect was removed or if I accidentally used the wrong term....
We further investigated on this issue. The introduced debounce mechanism works for arrays. The lag I experienced is independent from arrays and caused by re-rendering the text input field. The...
Unfortunately, the video was removed, since the issue was created in 2019. So, I can´t recreate the issue. I tested the number input with very long inputs and trailing `.`...
For me this problem also occurred with english browser setting. In the `TimeControlRenderer` the `adaptTarget` function gets called with an outdated value. In the example below ich changed the time...
I couldn´t find an obvious reason for this issue. But we think it might be related to circular dependencies in JSON Forms. We created an [issue]( to resolve them in...
I checked this issue for React and Vue; The ID is only set on initiation of a component and doesn't get updated on schema changes.
Hello @sapuz1508 , thank you for the report. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce the issue on version 3.1.1. Can you provide additional information about the schema or a minimal...