Laura Hermanns

Results 15 issues of Laura Hermanns

This is an overview of some major bullet points for improvements or unimplemented features in LLGL: ### OpenGL Renderer: - [x] **Multi-threading**: Deferred command buffer is implemented. The JIT compiler...

help wanted

Instead of automatic generation of multi-sampled attachments that get resolved into the actual render target attachments, the user should be able to specify his custom multi-sampled textures. For OpenGL, a...

feature request

`RenderSystem` interface should be renamed to `Device` and `RenderContext` should be renamed to `SwapChain`. Along this renaming, the `RenderContextDescriptor`, `VsyncDescriptor` and `VideoModeDescriptor` should be merged into `SwapChainDescriptor` like this: **Before:**...

feature request

D3D12 always requires an explicit buffer resource for the results of a query heap. OpenGL added a buffer type `GL_QUERY_BUFFER` so the query results can be used in a shader....

feature request

The idea is to get rid of all `...Array` interfaces as well as `Set...Array` functions in the `CommandBuffer` interface. Instead, the new `ResourceHeap` interface should be used, which complies with...

help wanted
feature request

Replace the `ShaderProgram` interface and use `Shader` instances individually in various combinations for a `GraphicsPipeline`: **Before:** ```cpp LLGL::ShaderProgramDescriptor myProgramDesc; myProgramDesc.vertexShader = myVertShader; myProgramDesc.fragmentShader = myFragShader; LLGL::ShaderProgram* myShaderProgram = myRenderer->CreateShaderProgram(myProgramDesc); LLGL::GraphicsPipelineDescriptor...

feature request

The command line argument `-fcolor-diagnostics` is not supported in GCC (at least not the version of my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS default installation): The other occurance of this option is...


This is a proposal to forward compiler arguments such as `-spirv` and `-HV 2021` to the rewriter which we use in UE5. It introduces a breaking change in the interface...

Here is a brief overview of some known bugs: - [ ] **Intrinsic argument type matching**: Type matching is incomplete for intrinsic function calls. - [ ] **Struct used as...

help wanted

@BearishSun Glslang seems to translate the `GroupMemoryBarrierWithGroupSync` intrinsic into this: ```glsl memoryBarrierShared(); barrier(); ``` But your [proposal]( for the wrapper function translate it into this: ```glsl groupMemoryBarrier(); barrier(); ``` Do...

help wanted