Luiz Fernando

Results 6 comments of Luiz Fernando

Hmm this may be an issue with the way colors are encoded and decoded via `System.Drawing.Color`. Any chance of trying to encode and decode these pixels as `UInt` instead and...

I've thought about it since another issue where someone brought it up. I've refrained from adding alpha channel initially because I knew for sure I'd get it wrong and then...

I'm thinking it could be done, JelloSwift has support for [whole-body constraining](, and it should be trivial do use a [`PressureComponent`]( along with some internal springs on nodes to keep...

Rendering sort of falls out of the actual core scope of the library. I have a (very hacky) OpenGL demo scene set up, but it really should only be seen...

Hmm I see. Triangulation of the shapes can be done as a first step (I actually triangulate it in the demo code and that can be copied over), the next...

Unfortunately currently SwiftRewriter is tied to the build machine because of its dependency on the local lib_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser.dylib. Last I checked this could not be worked around while shipping straight from...