Wencheng Lau-Medrano
Wencheng Lau-Medrano
Thank you very much for the package, it is really very useful. I know that usually a letter is only composed of a single page. However, when the body exceeds...
`speed` function is not giving the outputs in m/s (as its documentation indicates). That is maybe because internally the funtion is calculating the steps without considering the `lonlat = TRUE`...
It woudl be fantastic if Zutilo allows to use shortcuts in the pdf viewer for zooming width and height. Thank you.
Is it possible to get a legend of the selected color palette? Something like the output of fields::image.plot function.
In the internal function `get_stadiamap_tile`, one of the conditionals in charge of returning a message when you have an invalid URL (i.e. an URL with no response), leads to an...
Hello. I am having a little problem with the `distance` function. When I apply it on two `SpatVector` objects that have CRS WGS84 (EPSG:4326), the results it returns don't seem...