The first result 35.8 miu is close to your 35.7, it's good. The second result 35.6 miu is also close to your 35.7, it's strange for me. Because I think...
Oh, forget to tell you. I use the Cityscapes' s training set to train, use the Cityscapes's val set to test, like AdaptSegNet's setting. En,still my second concern! OK, I...
Thank you for your prompt reply! Thank you so much!
看你有跑通这篇代码,所以想请教你个问题!我是python2.7,pytorch1.0跑的segmentation的代码! 看到有报这个错误,RuntimeError: cuda runtime error (59) : device-side assert triggered at ... 网上说是计算损失的时候label不是从0开始的,pytorch必须是(0,n-1)的label才不会报错,然后这篇论文在设置label的时候,类别个数设置为20,有一个类别作者说是背景。但是我现在想,我的这个报错会不会与作者设置的20个label有关! 请问你在跑这篇代码的时候有遇到这个问题吗? 或者你知道这是哪里出错了吗?多有打扰,期待你的答复!!!
@JuiChang I get exactly the same result as you. Now you can modify model.load_state_dict(new_params) to model.load_state_dict(new_params, strict=False). Then it works.
@kshitijagrwl @lychrel Are you finishing the multi gpu computing? Looking forward to your reply!
@lychrel I don't really understand your answer. I don't kow what is ASN. So can you answer me with a simply way?