For each observation, we can add a property, for example 'CollectionReference'. Like that it would be easy to connect each observation of a same set of observations together. What it...
From my point of view, the Observer object shall not be introduced. Indeed, it seems strange to place the 'human observer' (for a lithology description for example) at an upper...
Another thing I would like to raise for this topic is regarding the measurements. Can a measurement be the result of an interpretation? For exemple, for a consolidation test, we...
I agree that the procedure has to be recorded for each observation. Maybe for simplifing we could only indicate the standard used for the acquisition of the observation. For example...
Why not. So the procedure has to be considered as a 'string' type property of an observation. The value can be a standard reference or anything else.
The case of invistagations made with excavators must be covered as well. Geotechnical investigations are not only boreholes. What is common to any site investigation (borehole, excavation pit, CPTs, ...)...
I have prepared few elements to start our reflexion regarding the common conceptual model for Book A. I have tired to be as exhaustive as possible. Maybe some information are...
Hello everyone, I do think that we do not go on the right direction focusing on the definition of the 'borehole'. My position is very similar to Neil's one (see...
In the Miro diagram, I see that there are grey arrows which link the 'Observed zone' object to Borehole and trial pit objects. For me, ObservedZone, Borehole and TrialPit object...