
Results 12 comments of Lucas

@danilowoz I always think about add tests to my front projects, but never had the time, feel free to do it, I will appreciate =)

I couldn't reproduce this issue =/

@wojtek-krysiak ```js import Mongoose, { Schema } from 'mongoose'; const { Map, String, Boolean, ObjectId, } = Schema.Types; const schema = new Schema({ config: Map, url: String, component: { type:...

@marcelorl we have to add a method in every driver to return an object with what the search should return acording to the [support table in readme]( We can use...

@marcelorl Do you still intends to do it? xd

@archichen Now you can't. But, I'm planning a new version and it will have a "pagination" property, with current page, total pages, and videos in this page.

@brunohenriquesk1 Yeah, I think it's possible in the most websites. I will add a date property to the search return data. But I will not add any type of sorting...

I never heard about that one, but yes I can HUahuhauahu

@ratouney I could not reproduce the error, but I imagine what's the cause, and it's not related to search with multiple words. It's fixed _(or at least should be)_ now,...