
Results 16 comments of forDream

Logcat显示是Xposed注入时产生了一个JsonParseException。 暂时的解决方案与上面的基本一样 - Xposed Installer 中关闭Xposed - 重启设备 - 清除数据并打开工行APP正常登陆一次 - Xposed Installer 中开启Xposed - 重启即可 原因不明,可能是工行APP首次启动会进行某些特殊操作,但是Xposed注入时,发生未捕获异常,导致应用Crash

you can try this project:

For various reasons, I also have such needs. I tried to compile `frida-gumjs-devkit` through NDK. To be honest, this is not difficult. But the sample code is so simple that...

@Phyks I'm sorry, it doesn't. Because `frida` doesn't have more abundant documents, I can't go any further. In the end, I adopted a scheme similar to `xposed`.

is there any news?

> Even i got one but different > > ╭─────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ────────────────────────────────╮ │ /workspaces/visual-chatgpt/ in │ │ │ │ 19 import numpy as np │ │...

@wenshao [the same issue](

感谢。 建议修改为`FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(rootDir, appDir.getParentFile().toString()));` 对于Windows的运行环境来说,获取绝对路径,会带上盘符,即获得类似这样的字符串`C:\dir\file.ext`,因此最终创建文件的目录名称因包含非法的字符`:`导致失败 ----- 此外,日志中显示 ``` load dependency /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreSpotlight.framework/CoreSpotlight failed load dependency /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaAccessibility.framework/MediaAccessibility failed ``` 这类提示,是由于暂时iOS相关功能不完善导致,还是我使用不当导致

感谢,十分抱歉,我对于iOS并不十分了解。 假设以我上面的日志中显示的`MediaAccessibility`和`liblzma.5.dylib`为例,我应该如何添加依赖

@zhkl0228 IpaLoader64尝试加载砸壳后的ipa,在执行load方法后就停住了,最后日志: ``` objc[14160]: Class KSFeedActionMenuMaskView is implemented in both @rpath/gifFeedFramework.framework/gifFeedFramework and @rpath/gifBaseFramework.framework/gifBaseFramework. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. objc[14160]: Class KSThanosFeedBottomViewSkinConfig is implemented in...