Louis-Mael Gueguen

Results 9 issues of Louis-Mael Gueguen

Hello, I managed to install braker and want to run it with --UTR=on. I provided a bam, a masked genome (soft) and a fasta for the proteins. I had the...

Hello, I wanted to read the beginner's doc but is unavailable due to respond time of gatb-core.gforge.inria.fr (yes I tried several browsers). Is there any way to circumvent this ?

Added a dockerfile in the docker folder. I let you decide how to document it. The container is also available at 007ptar007/checkm:latest for a pull or singularity pull. The database...

Hello ! When trying to run the test `mini_config.ini`, i encountered this error (already mentioned but there was no follow-up): ``` /mnt/software/bioinfo/samtools-1.9/samtools: error while loading shared libraries: libncursesw.so.5: cannot open...

Hello, I am rtying to run kmdiff on our cluster but it difficult. I notably encounter this strange behavior: kmtricks processes super kmers and counts partitions but does not write...

Hello, I needed a matrix of the kmer counts for several samples. I followed the instructions given in the [example](https://github.com/tlemane/kmtricks/wiki/Count-matrix-example) of the documentation, but I don't see specified the correspondence...

I found myself using your tool to obtain more hindsight into kmer presence and absence in genomes, specifically for kmers unique to certain genomes. Because the output of UniqueKmer is...

passes the testrun with a '--bind /path/to/db/' to link the database path to docker. I couldnt get it to work with the db inside the docker. It is also available...

## The need Diamond can generate a lot of temporary files. The default /tmp can get full on clusters. ## The solution Add a parameter `--temp` to the command `anvi-pan-genome`,...

small project