Lorenzo Stucchi
Lorenzo Stucchi
The [featureInfoTemplate](https://docs.terria.io/guide/connecting-to-data/catalog-type-details/wms/#featureinfotemplatetraits) field, if cointains a template with basic HTML with a `` tag doesn't keep the proprieties of `target` filed. See the example below, the form asks for some...
During the execution of the comand `ohsome2label --config config\config.yaml image` with the following file `config.ymal`: ```yml project: name: TestSentinel workspace: ./Sentinel_result project_time: 2020-05-18 task: segmentation osm: api: ohsome url: https://api.ohsome.org/v1/elements/geometry...
Mappers more confidence of mappers to welcome users that are closer to their area of mapping, so could be helpful to insert an approximate location of the area of interest...