Hi @rubenjacob, I faced the same issue with PPO. So far I solved downgrading tensorflow version from 2.16 to 2.15. Probably something in the compatibility with Ray went wrong with...
Hi @f1r3nz4r, could you please explain what you are trying to do? However, a problem could probably be that the binding command should be ``` self.tabView.bind('', on_click) ``` and not...
Don't worry! Close the issue if you have solved your problem!
Hi @f1r3nz4r, sorry for the late answer. Now I see the problem. You are trying to bind an event to the right click on the tabview. However, this is not...
Hi @medhanshrath-t , do you want to zoom in an image contained in the label? Or just zoom the label text?
Hi @medhanshrath-t, you can think about something like this: ```python import os import customtkinter from PIL import Image class CustomLabel(customtkinter.CTkLabel): def __init__(self, master: customtkinter.CTkBaseClass, path_to_image: str, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(master,...
Hi, @medhanshrath-t, I am glad that even if not the desired one, my solution is still appreciable for you. However, if you want to make the label zoom inside the...
Hi @Wyko, try this. It worked for me: ```python import customtkinter as ctk def create_tab_view(parent): # create the tabview tv = ctk.CTkTabview(master=parent, height=0) tv.grid(sticky="nsew", row = 1, column = 0)...
Hi @DanielJOHara, very nice widget idea. I only found a little bug concerning last column in general, but last row and last column element in particular. I slightly modified your...
Hi @DanielJOHara, nice! CustomTkinter does not have a built-in frame that can scroll in both x and y direction. However, I found this really cool [widget](https://github.com/Akascape/CTkXYFrame) implemented by Akascape that...