Lorenz Schüler
Lorenz Schüler
I'm facing the same issue. Any updates?
@JonathanLam12345 I'm using the latest version `6.0.0+1`
> As a temporary workaround it should be possible to just have a query at connection setup that does use that enum type and doesn't use `.eq_any()`. That will prepopulate...
I'm facing a similar issue with the current version (`5.0.2+1`). ```sh PlatformException(error, Attempt to write to field 'io.flutter.plugin.common.EventChannel$EventSink com.lyokone.location.FlutterLocation.events' on a null object reference in method 'void com.lyokone.location.StreamHandlerImpl.onListen(java.lang.Object, io.flutter.plugin.common.EventChannel$EventSink)', null,...
@bartekpacia sure. pressing the *activate* button works, pressing *activate on other isolate* does not work ```dart import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_foreground_task/flutter_foreground_task.dart'; import 'package:location/location.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp());...
@bartekpacia It seems to be an initialization problem. The `FlutterLocation` objects in `StreamHandlerImpl` and `MethodCallHandlerImpl` are `null`. I've not yet been able to pinpoint he problem. But as I wrote...
Sure ```dart AndroidSettings( forceLocationManager: true, foregroundNotificationConfig: const ForegroundNotificationConfig( notificationTitle: "Tracking", notificationText: "GPS tracking is active", color: Colors.red, notificationIcon: AndroidResource(name: "notification_icon"), setOngoing: true, enableWakeLock: true, ), ); ```
Thanks for looking into this. Unfortunately even if I set `forceLocationManager: false` (and using a phone with Google Play Services) both numbers are still 0. I'm currently using the package...
For a while it was possible to wrap the map that was used for elevation querying in an `Offstage` Widget to at least avoid rendering the map. However this seems...