I also get the following error (Windows 10): `FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified` It happens in the **build-win.py** in this part ``` def _mergelibs(arch, scheme,...
I managed to work around this by adding the path to **lib.exe** to environment variables. So now I manage to get the **owt-debug.lib**. Of course I still couldn't use it...
When I try the following in CMD (basically I use README example): `python3 build-win.py --gn_gen --arch x64 --scheme debug --ssl_root "C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64" --msdk_root "C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelMediaSDK2021R1\Intel(R) Media SDK 2021 R1\Software...
Hi, I am also training with one class only, my image dataset is split 150/50. Training seems to be ok (I get a lot of warnings but I'm not sure...
I am working on the same problem. In the _OnnxModelScorer.cs_ I am able to get 3 probabilites outputs (as the yolov3 I use has 3) like so: ``` IEnumerable probabilitiesIdentity0...