Currently the file rco-data.json is provided by a gdrive link which is not usually up to date (lot of new comics are missing). Is there a way to have a...
I'm using the default selenoid installation (just changed the default browser) by https://aerokube.com/cm/latest/ ./cm selenoid start --vnc --port 80 --args "-limit=5 -session-attempt-timeout 2m -service-startup-timeout 2m" curl -s http://localhost/status {"total":5,"used":0,"queued":0,"pending":0,"browsers":{"chrome":{"79.0":{}}}} and...
By running tests I saw that some of them failed giving "WebDriverError: Session timed out or not found" And the browser was in fact, no longer open. Then I tested...
## The problem addAttribute functionality not working for Scenario Or Feature ## Environment * WebdriverIO version: 7.0.7 * wdio-reportportal-version version: 7.0.0 * Node.js version: v14.16.1 * WDIO Testrunner and version(mocha\cucumber\jasmine):...