Amit Seal Ami

Results 48 comments of Amit Seal Ami

I was looking at the FAQ:, and could not find the cut-off limit of 3 venues per field. However, I found these statements: > The conferences listed were developed...

Thanks for the summary! > [NDSS] There is broad agreement that, without a limit to 3 conferences per area, NDSS belongs to the top tier category. I am afraid this...

Hi! Thanks for getting back. These transformations can happen in several, non-malicious scenarios. For example, a string can be converted to a different case by a novice developer who is...

Yes! When an APK is created in debug mode (`gradlew assembleDebug`) and then scanned it will give the warning mentioned above. For your convenience, I am attaching the apk...

will check it out, thanks! :)

Meanwhile, try the pip install method? (It is new!)

Umm, from what I understand (I only managed to setup Staticman yesterday) there are three versions of staticman - v1 - deprecated, used to use the staticman as a collaborator...

I am really liking how it is turning out. One suggestion: current deploy to heroku deploys v3 of staticman. Most of the documentation I see (tutorial, are based on either...

I believe this is the pull request which introduced major changes for v3 and also includes the most details I am not quite sure why I was unable to...

Hi! Thanks for creating jekyll-scholar and responding! Really appreciate it. About CSS approach - can you please elaborate a bit more about the approach you have in mind?