mixor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mixor copied to clipboard

functional template library


functional template library

The goal of this minimalistic library is to provide tools to compose and transform data in a declarative way. Using templates, this is implemented with zero run-time overhead.

It relies on functional concepts and data-driven design.

#include "mixin.hpp"
#include "compose.hpp"
#include <string>

struct Position {
  float x=0.0f;
  float y=0.0f;

struct Speed {
  float vx=0.0f;
  float vy=0.0f;

struct Size {
 float sizeX= 0.0f;
 float sizeY= 0.0f;

struct Image {
  std::string ImagePath="";

using namespace mixor;
auto bird = mix( Pos{10,10} , Image{"bird.png"} , Size{10,10} );
auto movingBird = mix( bird, Speed{0,10} );
float dt = 1;

auto move = [dt](auto const& object) {
  // lets define default values in case object has no Position or Speed
  auto defaults = mix(Position{0,0}, Speed{0,0});
  auto o = mix(defaults, object);  // or mix( Position{}, Speed{}, object )
  return mix(object, Position{ 
    o.x + o.vx*dt , o.y + o.vy *dt } 

auto applyGravity = [dt](auto const& object) { 
  return mix(object, Speed{ 
    object.vx, object.vy - 2*dt } 

auto clipToGround = [](auto const& o) {
  return mix(o, Position{o.x, (o.y>0) * o.y }); // make sure object is above ground

auto simulationStep = compose(move, applyGravity, clipToGround );
using Drawable = decltype( mix( Position{}, Image{} ) );

auto draw( Drawable const& obj) { std::cout << obj.y << std::endl; };

while(bird.y!=0) {
  bird = simulationStep(bird);
} // prints 10 , 20 , 10 , 0

In case you have many iterable objects:

using Object = decltype(mix(Position{}, Speed{}, Image{}));

std::vector<Object> objects;

auto simulationStepforAll = compose( 
); //or map(compose(move, applyGravity, clipToGround));
objects = simulationStepforAll(objects);

You can see it in action:

  • https://github.com/LoopPerfect/boids
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viVroGmeQDw