Sergey Zhukaev
Sergey Zhukaev
Ok, looks like anyone who wants to generate docs from the source code is out of luck. Such a shame
Similar functions in [Ramda]( and [Lodash]( do not guarantee that the final chunk will have the same length as the other elements. I guess this should be the default behavior...
Hi Paul, The last quarter of the year was a bit rough for me (currently undergoing a relocation, so zero to none time for open source), but once dust will...
Sounds amazing, is there any roadmap with intermediate steps of this transition? Would love to contribute
Ok, I'll try to help you with some of the points: ✅ Remove rescript snake_case versions (PR #233) ✅ Remove ocaml camlcase functions ⬜ Make ocaml function t-last ⬜ Make...
@pbiggar starting the work on migrating rescript functions to be data-first, just want to clarify your vision on the design. From my understanding, moving to data-first will eliminate labeled `~f`...
I've fixed this bug with many other documentation related issues in the `next` branch.
Is there any progress regarding this issue?
Ok, thanks a lot for the workaround and the quick response Cristiano! :pray: