FWIW, by having ZstdOutputStream extend ZstdOutputStreamNoFinalizer a number of breaking changes were introduced. Code that compiled on 1.4.8-3 no longer compiles with 1.4.8-4. e.g. ``` ZstdOutputStream wrapper = new ZstdOutputStream(o).setCloseFrameOnFlush(true);...
In part, it'd be nice to at least see a major version bump if you pursue the current change. That way, consumers know to expect some breakage. Semantic versioning aside,...
Thanks for the quick turn around! Just reviewing [the latest commit](https://github.com/luben/zstd-jni/commit/def1860c6f454ca50bf360bb0da133545daeed31) I believe you still need to add generics to [ZstdOutputStream](https://github.com/luben/zstd-jni/blob/master/src/main/java/com/github/luben/zstd/ZstdOutputStream.java#L13) before that will work. Otherwise, `T` will still be...
Thanks for the updates @luben. I think those should work out nicely for us. FWIW, we're a java shop that likes to be on the latest version of things.
Just going to mention #1930 as this will help anyone else looking to use smtp.py with ssl.
@sebres, I'm not sure why some of the checks on this failed. Is there anything else you need from me to get this merged?
Indeed. If I'm reading things right, it was `testBan (fail2ban.tests.action_d.test_smtp.SMTPActionTest)` that had the issue. I'm new to Python, specifically. If you can give me some guidance on how to run...
Thanks for finding and fixing that! Do you want me to add a test for ssl=true?
Kk. My personal life has been a bit crazy lately but I hope to take a stab at this in a couple weeks.
It turns out that [smtpd is old, deprecated](https://docs.python.org/3/library/smtpd.html), and doesn't support `starttls()`. The [smtpd-tls lib](https://pypi.org/project/smtpd-tls/), however, does allegedly support `starttls()` and is compatible with python 2.7. But, [aiosmtpd](https://aiosmtpd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) is the...