Logan B. Lehman
Logan B. Lehman
Hey everyone, I set up my brackets.json to the following: ``` "sass.enabled": false, "sass.compiler": "ruby", "path": { "assets/sass/main.scss": { "sass.enabled": true, "sass.options": { "outputDir": "../css/", "includePaths": [], "sourceMap": true, "sourceComments":...
Hi @mattslocum, I keep receiving an unknown provider error from ngWebworker. My inclusion is here: ``` var app = angular.module('insight', [ 'ngAnimate', 'ui.bootstrap', 'ngWebworker', 'ui.router', 'ui.sortable', 'ngTouch', 'toastr', 'smart-table', "xeditable",...
Hello, Would be please add `bower install` support? It would help out tremendously.
Hello, I am getting an error. I am using Angular 1.5.9 with webpack. I have included angular-isotope as a module dependency, but I am getting the following error: