@maulanadsgn Welcome to your translation,you can push a pr to this project.
@dssecret Recently, I have been very busy. If the number of stars more than 1k, I consider translation this project to English. thx
> I've started an [English translation](https://github.com/dssecret/Hacking). You're welcome to fix any mistakes I make. @dssecret Cool 👍
@Pf-G https://app.diagrams.net/
@smallfish-root server有定时发心跳给client,失活的话当前连接会关闭,相应的移除房间中的用户 具体可以搜索下:ticker := time.NewTicker(s.Options.PingPeriod)
cross gfw , 弄个proxy可能会快点,只是首次慢,后面都是增量更新,因为包含了vendor,避免了二次下载。clone 完就可以用
@im-zhangxi 暂时不准备弄
@youmisun 当前只有在线实时投递