Any update about this issue? I'm running into the same problem, and unfortunately rerun the workflow doesn't resolve it. There is the [action log](https://github.com/Locietta/xanmod-kernel-WSL2/runs/5955770455?check_suite_focus=true), wierd thing is that the exact...
这么做是有什么原因吗? cpp里确实是这样,但如果我有个.h里面依赖了pch的内容,那这个.h的高亮也就不行了(我不该在头文件里引入预编译头吧?)
直接把`plugins/project/clang/compile_commands.lua`里头的`target:set("pcheader", nil)`这两行注掉好像就能用了,现在还没遇到什么bug
@hpwamr Thanks for the information, I tried 5.22.418.1 beta version just now and can reproduce this issue on both portable and setup edition.
Found related code in zufuliu/notepad2 to handle WSL2 UNC path, I think it would be useful. https://github.com/zufuliu/notepad2/blob/c92d353838a7eff7f259c89c2dd80695d978bb6d/src/Notepad2.c#L6663-L6669
Hi, I just write a table alias expander with `sqlglot` to eliminate all table aliases in SQL before feeding them into this test suite for EM. ```python import sqlglot from...
Did you use a fullcone patched version of nftables&libnftnl? I've tested [libnftnl-fullcone](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libnftnl-fullcone) & [nftables-fullcone](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nftables-fullcone) from AUR with ``` sudo nft -c 'add table inet fw4-fullcone-test; add chain inet fw4-fullcone-test dstnat...
Since we're using custom kernels on WSL, there's no corresponding `linux-headers-*` package on Debian or Ubuntu (this is the same situation for MS's official WSL2 kernel). AFAIK we have to...
It works on my machine though.  Could you provide the versions of wsl and the kernel? And what's the configuration in `/etc/wsl.conf`?