Bill Armstrong
Bill Armstrong
Linux with version 4.9.1 I've actually run into this issue as well... I have two instances of `/frontail` running. One in a single node RancherOS cluster which works exactly as...
An update... I did a complete new install, including the persistent storage that the logs attached to. Although I still am not exactly sure what caused my issue, this reinstall...
I've run across a similar error (I think). I'm getting the following error trace ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 228, in mqttc.connect(cf.get('mqtt_broker', 'localhost'), mqtt_port, 60) File...
Well, like so many things in my programming endeavors, it turns out I can't type... TL; DR - I mistyped the MQTT broker address in the config file (multiple times...
Sorry for the delay... :-(. `Python`.
After trouble shooting this all afternoon, I can provide some added information. Using two separate configurations on linux (one on prem server and one third party server) this does seem...
After a little more reading and some additional testing I did finally get it to sync. The key for me was to reinstall ubuntu 20.04 and start completely clean three...
Here's what I resolved... **Automated Launch** The scripting above turned out to be too erratic and wouldn't work consistently. So rather than using `systemd`, I reverted to `crontab` execution. I...
Great project... I've learned a lot... I also get this port 80 failure. I've done the build from my local machine, I've pulled it into my k3s for a build...