In an example like the following: ```java @Mixin(BeeEntity.class) public abstract class ExampleMixin implements IAngerable { @Override public void writeAngerNBT(CompoundNBT nbt) { System.out.println("Test!"); IAngerable.super.writeAngerNBT(nbt); } } ``` The super call to...
This fixes 2 issues: 1. Even when lambdas and such have mappings, they are not remapped due to Mirror being prioritised over ASM. 2. Intersection types are not resolved properly...
Even when they have mappings, said mappings are not found or put in the refmap.
Given the following example case: ```java @Redirect(method = "updateWindowTitle", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/client/util/Window;setTitle(Ljava/lang/String;)V")) private void modifyTitle(Window instance, String title) { instance.setTitle(title); } @ModifyArg(method = "updateWindowTitle", at...
Basically it doesn't give them the local information they need.
Basically replacing specialised comparison instructions, such as `LCMP`, `IF_ACMPEQ`, `IF_ICMPGT` etc with calls to handler methods that take two arguments and return a boolean. Could possibly use the existing `JUMP`...
This includes `ModifyConstant` and `BeforeConstant` being able to target the constant part of the `IIncInsnNode`, and `AfterStoreLocal` and `BeforeLoadLocal` being able to target the variable part.
Sometimes it is desirable to access members added to a class by another Mixin, and if those members are static, it is not possible to access them via the Shadow...
This code: ```java @Mixin(CreativeInventoryScreen.class) public interface ExampleMixin { @Accessor(value = "fabric_currentPage", remap = false) static int getFabricCurrentPage() { throw new AssertionError(); } } ``` Fails during `compileJava` with the following:...
Specifically to remove confusion when `Redirect`ing `INSTANCEOF` instructions.