Results 29 comments of LlamaLad7

Can and should be fixed on your end, see

My initial instinct is that `@InitVariable` and support for wrapping/replacing method exits is too niche and confusing to be added to the main repository right now. The verification logic is...

See Not a MixinExtras problem.

Consider using in the meantime.

No, Mixin only parses the classnode if it needs to modify it. You never need to parse the node yourself. Look at [fabric's implementation](

You don't interact with that, you interact with

This is already tracked I believe, but regardless LocalCapture + INVOKE_ASSIGN would be a very brittle choice here. Consider instead `@ModifyVariable` and `@At("STORE")`, or even better if you have...

The `ModifyExpressionValue` will already modify the result of this redirect. They already chain.

Seems it was fixed on the branch just never released?