Livia Medeiros

Results 22 comments of Livia Medeiros

Marking as in case if we need this in v16.17.0 before deadlines.

This can be roughly achieved via one helper function in userspace without external packages, e.g.: ```mjs const readJSON = async path => JSON.parse(await fsPromises.readFile(path)); // or const readJSONSync = path...

> Doesn't that mean that [9e40873...5311b7d]( should be fast-tracked on `main` first? Yes, if similar test environment will be used on newer versions as well. > FWIW as background arm-12+...

> I disagree, it's not because this project doesn't have a CI for this environment that it's not worth landing it on `main`. If someone with this env wants to...

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```js const tmp = await open(join(tmpdir(), 'tmp'), 'w+'); process.stdout.write = tmp.write; ``` `tmp` is an instance of `FileHandle`, `process.stdout` is not. Calling `Filehandle.write()` with `this` not being a `Filehandle` won't...

> Set source to a copy of the bytes held by object. This is true spec-wise, but seems costly in implementation. I wonder if there is a workaround with better...

Moved strikethrough parts in a separate PR. I'll rebase when that lands. Edit: when lands. 😅

Agreed, added bigint support as `changes` entry. Other adjustments are fixes in undocumented/cornercase behaviors.