> You need an older version of SK for genshin, specifically > > Download it here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/792979353117524009/961821541878886420/SpecialK.7z > > If you're using SKIF you can just replace the .dll...
> @LiuQixuan yes, you need to install the old version that I linked. > > Anything else will not work. > > Edit: SKIF's version does not work; you want...
> You're fine, you're on the right version now c: > > As for why the image is dark; I don't know -- I'll ask some other Genshin players and...
> @LiuQixuan > > I asked some people genshin players on the SK discord, and the fix is to press Display, and set sRGB Bypass to "Passthrough", like in the...
```javascript var xml = require("xml") console.log(xml( [ {"?xml-stylesheet": [{ _attr: { type: "text/xsl", href: "sitemap.xsl" } }]}, {"sitemapindex": [ { _attr: { xmlns: "http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" } }, { sitemap: [ {...