Results 3 issues of Jeff Liu

## 问题描述 想请问项目是否依旧支持国际化,因为目前好像生成的一些文字(如:目录)和页面(如 404 页面)均为中文的了,将`config.ts`里的`locales`改为 en-US依旧无法回复英文页面 ## 重现步骤(可选) ## 重现链接(可选) ## 问题截图(可选) ## 依赖版本(可选) - node.js: - @vuepress: - vuepress-theme-vdoing: ## 补充说明(可选)


In the code fragment below, the `instance` won't be None in line 764 because the function `dev.create_kernel_instance(_)` returns either `InvalidConfig` or `KernelInstance`. When I make a problem in the thread...

I have changed the SSD to HP EX920. Expect the Wifi and Bluetooth problems, is there any other compatibility problems that may happen? Thx a lot~