Mara Sophie Grosch

Results 22 issues of Mara Sophie Grosch

Hi, I've seen some issues about non-ideal emojis that are already defined, the problem being acknowledged but no action taken to not do a breaking change to gitmoji "spec". This...

Hi, we are writing integration tests for API bindings with Ginkgo and Gomega and quite often use Ordered contexts to check CRUD-like operations with these bindings, like this: ```golang It("creates...

Hi, as said in #933, we do integration tests for API bindings with Ginkgo and Gomega. I'm currently writing the tests for one such API binding which needs a resource...

Crude implementation of connection via SRV record. Currently only connects to the lowest-prio, highest-weight server, but this is still useful for non-standard ports. SRV lookup is only done when a...

While trying to configure GTS to use my personal Gitlab as OIDC provider, it failed authenticating me since Gitlab does not set a `Name` claim in the `id_token`. For now...


**Is this a bug report or feature request?** * Feature Request **What should the feature do:** I want to create multiple CephObjectBucketClaims (OBCs) belonging to a single Ceph RGW user....


Hi, we are using SOPS to encrypt our secrets for various people who are allowed to see them and a single key per target environment. With this usage, it's a...

The manifests for ServiceAccount and Secret do not have a namespace defined, making the install instructions incomplete Since the ClusterRoleBinding binds to the ServceAccount `grafana-kubegraf` in Namespace `default`, this namespace...

Currently there is a new ServiceAccount and a Secret deployed. Kubernetes creates a Secret automatically for ServiceAccounts so the additional secret isn't required. I suspect the secret is added to...

Hi, we have a Dockerfile with two stages, `prod` and `dev`, where `dev` builds on top of the `prod` stage and adds some more stuff for debugging, roughly like this:...