Mara Sophie Grosch

Results 46 comments of Mara Sophie Grosch

(the `:children_crossing:` would be different of course, my fail while mocking)

could adding a line be possible, making it look like this? This could probably already help a lot ``` ginkgo run -tags integration -v ./pkg/apis/ipam/v1/ Running Suite: test suite for...

No worries about the delay @onsi :) in this exact case, creating and tearing down the VLAN is actual part of the test suite, not a prerequisite for them -...

There still is hard coded `ws://` protocol, detection of https (and thus `wss://`) would be a great addition

What makes this worse, is that you cannot undo a confirmation (in this case the wrong one for the next day) Can confirm, btw. Catch this often

Oh, interesting, thank you, we will test this :)

I actually have this same problem with a device shown as _TZE200_ryfmq5rl Formaldehyde being at 378ppm right now, CO2 at 2ppm, VOC 1µg/m³. Temperature and humidity look plausible. No PM2.5...

I just noticed the values don't even change a lot after having the window open for half an hour The original values in the comment above were before letting fresh...

Yep, I'm aware that formaldehyde value being true would mean I'm dead ^^' But shouldn't CO2 change when opening the window, by letting CO2 out? I thought it concentrates in...

just for completeness, my sensor doesn't seem to actually send any updated data - it's not shown as connected in ZigBee visualization and all data is last updated "Yesterday" and...