Alicia Sykes

Results 240 comments of Alicia Sykes

Heya @thecodrr Notesnook looks pretty cool, nice work :) But lets wait until it's open source before considering it And I guess that once the repo is updated, it will...

I was having a quick look through the code that's in the repo, and although not sure where the different components fit in, there was a couple of things you...

Looking at the web request you mentioned. It is indeed analytics... It is going to their self-hosted instance of Elastic (see [docs]( For reference, here's the full request #### Target:...

I'll take a look at StartPage also, when I get a moment. StartPage has had a lot more controversy over the years, so there should be more info to go...

Does Mull count as a browser? Since it's really just a bunch of build scripts for FF. I wonder if there should be a separate section for user.js's, build scripts...

Browsers is quite an opinionated topic, especially since there isn't a single browser with all-round perfect privacy and security. Using Firefox, with some tweaks (like [arkenfox/user.js]( is probably one of...

> @Lissy93 The information on the website regarding Brave is up to date as nothing has changed The information is not up-to-date, as the affiliate link thing was years ago...

Heya @christianwengert - Thanks for the suggestion, it looks cool! It's open source, right? I couldn't find a link the the GitHub repo, if it's available could you share the...

Also, in the interest of transparency, are you associated with this project in any way (past or present, paid or unpaid)? Although I do appreciate all the detailed info provided,...