Hi, I can add that fcram boot in latest godmode9 saltmode seems completely broken. OpenAGB launcher works fine in fastboot3ds with fcram boot enabled but with gm9 it locks in...
I have this problem too. Also after manually injecting a group, it isn't seen in webif and can't create any user. Ubuntu 20.04 x64
I just switched from mysql to mariadb in my Ubuntu 20.04 server setup and all is working fine now. I had the syntax issue even with proftpd alone, now it's...
It's the same on the duckdns provider. I had to downgrade the dnsrobocert docker container to 3.24.2 otherwise the certs can't be issued/renewed for this same reason.
Have you tried /24 isn't the correct network mask for what you want to achieve as it will only cover from to, with /16 it covers until...