counting the number of "unique" appearances of `vendor:product:devicename` combinations should provide a way to address a single device not breaking any configs - Identifier: 6127:24709:PRIMAX_ThinkPad_X1_Tablet_Thin_Keyboard_Consumer_Control - Identifier: 6127:24709:PRIMAX_ThinkPad_X1_Tablet_Thin_Keyboard_Consumer_Control_1 I realize...
totally works and increases the distance significantly from which the tags can be read!
Hi, I am afraid I don’t have had a very good experience with the module either. It seems that small or bent tags are especially hard to read and not...
came across this issue with NDEF tags there are a bunch of [Default Keys]( that you should try... found mine by trying each key for sectors 3 - 15 :)
same here! I'm pretty sure I connected the GPIO pins correctly (checked twice), enabled SPI and rebooted the pi. got two SPI devices: ``` bash root@raspberrypi:/home/pi# ls /dev/spi* /dev/spidev0.0 /dev/spidev0.1...
haha - realized that I had connected the MFRC522 to the RPI2 using a pic of RPI1 wasted two hours, works fine now