Samuel Rodrigues
Samuel Rodrigues
I believe that take care of the UI is great next step to this project. :-) But if is needed to add an UI Framework (like React, Vue, etc), it's...
No tricks worked for me using Google Colab... I still see the same issue...
The latest version is working fine for me, thank you all! :)
Could be great someday make the Gitter API as an external resource available to the community, maybe via nuget. :-)
Yes, ask for a token is not good. The process must more automatically. If it's not a problem or if it was not started, I would like to try take...
You is right: CORS was an issue. :-( I have success to get the exchange token, but when I try get the final access token there is a CORS error...
On the server project I had success to authenticate today. Maybe it's very hard to make it works on a full client-side browser client. Take a look on this workaround:...
I took another look in this issue. I realized that is not possible to make this work without a specific support of the API for client side applications. The Google...
> @ekzhu > Here's the error I get when I set the speaker_selection_method="auto": `openai.BadRequestError: Error code: 400 - {'object': 'error', 'message': 'Expected last role to be user but got system',...