Leon Strauss

Results 17 comments of Leon Strauss

This is also true (and possibly worse) for `implements`. Given ```typescript interface TreeNode { /** ID of parent */ parent: string } /** Some Doc explaining BusinessUnit */ class BusinessUnit...

Some notes: I typed most of the docs on the train and will not be able to fix the resulting typos (one of the broken Macbook keyboards -.-) or words...

> @LionC very interesting. There's quite some concepts to digest here, would you mind adding a `README` that would present the popular use cases? I like how it removes 1,5k...

From the talks we had about this, I think Tim and I agree on the overall composition concepts (log = dispatch -> handle, if you want multiple independent handlers there...

I think this is ready now. I gathered some more feedback and applied several changes: - As suggested by @bartlomieju , the default logger now logs to the console, together...

Thanks for the PR! This looks like it should be supported, I am just not too sure about the exact options format yet. We should probably make the steps clearer...

I did not maintain the package for a while (simply did not have time), but I recently returned to open source work. I will revive my TS rewrite branch next...

Hi gronke, thanks for your PR! I am currently thinking about porting the project to ES6 or even TypeScript altogether, so I hope you understand that I will have to...

Hey @connorgmeehan thank you for the thorough PR! Just a heads up: I will probably not have time until the weekend to dive deep into it. I just wanted to...

Looking at it now - sorry for the delays, might take a bit longer in total