Hi, Actually I didn't do anything more than said I the first comment, installed Sonerezh (dezipping in /var/www, apache rights, go to the install url, fill the field about the...
So you mean this could be a configuration issue ?
Hi, same here, I was glad to update to Passman 2.2.1 on my NC 14, but I cannot export my passwords anymore. This used to be bugued on Firefox, but...
Hi, I have just installed version 2.2.24, and now I cannot export my credentials at all, when opening a vault the page is not complete (tested on Firefox 66 and...
Oki, thanks ! :)
Hi, I have just installed the 2.3 version and the sidebar is back, thanks ! :) Just for information (no pressure here, I will wait until this is fixed), the...
Hi @newhinton, I have no js error, but in the nextcloud.log, it seems that the extract request has an issue ? When trying to export, I get a lot of...
Note, I have a vault with 6 credential, and the export is working. The export is failing on my main vault, which contains 108 credentials. I am not sure this...
I was able to edit my credentials by deleting the icon associated to it (I did not ask for this icon to be fetch, but this is something that could...
I don't get why when exporting the vault, the request contains so many undefined, is it normal ? ``` "method":"GET","url":"\/cloud\/index.php\/apps\/passman\/api\/v2\/file\/undefined","message":{"Exception":"OCP\\AppFramework\\Db\\DoesNotExistException", "Message":"Did expect one result but found none when executing: query...