Linus Klöckner
Linus Klöckner
Hi. Is it possible to support both, `mingwX86` and `mingwX64`? I was about to use libui for a project, but want to use `mingwX64` target.
Thanks a lot!
Some time ago I implemented simple joystick support for the XBOX One Controller based on GLFW. It works for Windows and Linux, but is currently neither up to date with...
Did you commit your work somewhere so I can look into it? ^^
We are experiencing a similar behavior when comparing version 1.4.3 with the latest 1.5.5. But since we are using CMake for the build I guess it cannot be related to...
Ok, so my `git bisect` gives me the following result: ``` 3e5c7feeffb86555d63ef592f79ce8365a069174 is the first bad commit commit 3e5c7feeffb86555d63ef592f79ce8365a069174 Author: Evan Jones Date: Mon Nov 13 03:51:34 2023 -0500 whisper...
I dropped this comment to test if it will fix the performance problem but it didn't. So I did another `git bisect` and the next bad commit is **"whisper :...
We first noticed it while testing the new CUDA performance, but my git bisects from above I did using CPU-only. The CUDA performance drop could also be due to something...
Any update on this? It seems we still have these performance issues on the latest version.