
Results 9 comments of LinoWhy

> ![DiffviewFileHistory %]( @serranomorante I tried `DiffviewFileHistory %` and it looks like it working for me. Are you seeing an error? @mikesmithgh I meet the same issue, with the following...

Same issue for nevom nightly, but works as expected for version 0.9.6

Thanks for your reply! But after updating the plugin, neovim version 0.9.6 may occur the following error message when completion is triggered. ``` ...local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/utils/snippet.lua:27: attempt to call field 'list_cont ains'...

> Thanks for your reply! > > But after updating the plugin, neovim version 0.9.6 may occur the following error message when completion is triggered. > > ``` > ...local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/utils/snippet.lua:27:...

@hrsh7th Tested with my config, finding that the problem only occurs with an empty option of the select_next_item, such as: ```lua [""] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), [""] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), ``` But if...

@hrsh7th Seems the problem only occurs if I set the `cmp_nvim_lsp.default_capabilities()` with clangd server capabilities. Comment the follwing line in my configuration works: ```lua -- Merge cmp & server configured...

Still not fixed in 20240203-110809-5046fc22.

output: ``` wezterm ls-fonts --codepoints 1F784 14:29:52.573 WARN wezterm_font > No fonts contain glyphs for these codepoints: \u{1f784}. Placeholder glyphs are being displayed instead. You may wish to install additional...

This still occurs with font Cascadia Code. But Windows Terminal with the same font setting doesn't have this issue. ![image]( It's weird that sometimes when I change the font size...