
Results 23 issues of LinkMaq

grafana通过配置多个loki数据源来查询日志,但是由于不同的loki数据源中日志label并不一样,这也导致在grafana上查询日志还是具备一定的门槛。 dagger的目的是尽量简化日志查询过程中的条件选择,引入多个loki数据源可能会打破这样的初衷。 我这里另外一个解决方案,看各位有啥好的想法: **方案一、一套Loki集群收集多个集群日志,然后跟dagger对接** 优势: 1. dagger无变动,日志由loki集中管理,后期对于日志告警也可以集中管理 2. 只改日志采集端label的逻辑 劣势: 1. 日志量大的话,loki架构需要进行分布式集群设计。 **方案二、dagger支持多个loki数据源** 优势: 1. 能集成多套环境,方便用户使用 劣势: 1. 日志告警无法统一告警,也需要针对loki实例单独关联 2. dagger些许的开发(不属于我们主要的feature) 有其他的想法,欢迎在下方留言讨论


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When creating the metric data ingestion for the middleware, the following two states are needed to better present its status...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I want to put the high priority monitor panels first, not in the order they were created.


Jaeger UI 在 1.33后开启了Service Performance Monitoring的特性支持(实验性质) **数据源实现** 通过 OpenTelemetry Collector 在收集 Trace 数据时, 调用 [spanmetricsprocessor]( 来处理 span 上下文中的应用性能数据,并将其写入到 exporter ![image]( KubeGems 在 OpenTelemetry Collector 中仅需要简单配置即可开启功能 ``` exporters: prometheusremotewrite: endpoint: "http://kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus.kubegems-monitoring:9090/api/v1/write"...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When user enters the Obervability Explore to querier metrics, it is necessary to provide some generic indicator templates that allow...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** KubeGems add kubernetes cluster with kubeconfig. If the client's certificate has expired, it can't be access the cluster successfully. so,...


**What did you do?** i can't open logs when my containers on `error` state **What did you expect to see?** what ever state container after started ,we should view container's...


**What did you do?** Vim command mode messing around in web terminal ![image]( **What did you expect to see?** Responding correctly to vim commands **Environment** Kubegems version: v1.21.1 Kubernetes version:...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** If enable `nvidia-device-plugin` or `tke-gpu-manager` on kubegems plugins management page ,we should mark a plugin icons which pod used gpu...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** pod can't view initcontainer logs, this feature is essential.
