> Hi @Lif0820 what OS are you using? How big is the dataset you're training on? CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core) The image dataset is about 430Mb with 44,000+ images
> In addition to the above questions, please also try adding `validation_set=None` to your `tc.image_classifier.create` call. Let us know if that works. Thanks for your advice, I will try it...
> > In addition to the above questions, please also try adding `validation_set=None` to your `tc.image_classifier.create` call. Let us know if that works. > > Thanks for your advice, I...
I have a guess, I see the code in the source code like this: `input_image_shape=(3, 224, 224)` `dtype=np.float32` and i have 44,000 images, the memory needed to load them all...