Feng Liu
Feng Liu
Hi, @nikitakaraevv Thanks a lot for your code! But I can't reproduce the classification results. Could you kindly give some suggestions? Thanks a lot! 1. I download the save.pth and...
Hi, @ShengkaiWu . The pretrained models in model zoo is the same as mmdetection. Can you upload the pretrained models of this method? And can you upload the config files...
Hi,@yinchimaoliang. Thank you for the great work. Could you kindly provide the per class performance of ablation study in Table 1 in the paper? I'm quite interested in it. Lots...
Hi, @charlesCXK , could you kindly provide the training log and model of Group C-DETR? Lots of thanks!
Hi, @gaopengpjlab, could you kindly provide the full checkpoint (including the decoder) of ConvMAE-v2-S? Lots of thanks!
Hi,@implus, could you kindly provide the full checkpoint (including the decoder) of Swin-T and PVT-S? Lots of thanks!
Hi, @MenghaoGuo , when I ran this code, `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_cls.py --model pointconv` I got the following mistakes, `Traceback (most recent call last): File "train_cls.py", line 155, in train(net, optimizer,...
PAB is a really useful work and I wonder how obtain the mtrics of PAB. Thanks a lot!