Results 75 issues of Philip McGrath

In v8.4, Racket gained a new primitive module `#%terminal` to support the [Expeditor: Terminal Expression Editor]( Using its function `terminal-raw-mode`, I think we could eliminate our [`tty_raw.c`]( by replacing `tty_raw()`...

I had a few regression test failures on OS X 10.10.4: ``` $ make regression | grep -v OK (cd humdrum; /Applications/ regression) (cd toolkit-source/regression-tests; /Applications/ -s verbose) (cd humextra;...

While writing the example code in [this Discource reply](, I had to create the `request` value in the untyped submodule because `typed/web-server/http` did not provide constructors properly. As a more...

Most of `gregor`'s values work with `racket/serialize`, but periods currently do not: ``` $ racket Welcome to Racket v7.9 [cs]. > (require gregor/period racket/serialize) > (serialize (hours 1)) ; serialize:...

### What version of Racket are you using? 8.12 [cs] ### What program did you run? ```racket #lang typed/racket (module untyped racket/base (define five 5) (define six 6) (provide (all-defined-out)))...